It's official. Mommy has strep. The nurse swabbed my throat and I knew right away that I had it. The doctor came in a few minutes later and said it is not strep and there is nothing I can give you. Seriously! I am in so much pain here. Five minutes later the nurse comes in and says sorry it is positive. I got antibiotics so hopefully I am feeling better by Christmas morning. I really want to enjoy Cameron's first Christmas home. Let me tell you being a stay at home mom is hard when you are sick. I can't take the medicines that knock me out so I really feel the pain from my throat right now. I keep taking ibuprofen for the pain. And Cameron gets so upset when Mommy won't kiss him. He cries so hard. Dan helped out last night so I could rest but Cameron wasn't liking it. No one does it like Mama!! Haha!!!
FYI: The full kitchen came and it is put together waiting for Christmas morning. I can't wait to see his face.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Seriously Part 2!
Posted by Mindy at 11:06 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Mindy at 10:58 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy 22 month birthday!
Posted by Mindy at 11:45 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Last one for today!
I have to tell you of my Christmas horror story. I actually had about 95% of Cameron's Christmas shopping done before we left for Florida early November. We decided to get him a kitchen set (yes, my boy will know how to cook, clean & do laundry ladies). I got it the end of October but haven't opened the box to check the pieces. The other day I decided to wrap his gifts and get it over with. I always buy too much stuff that I hate wrapping by the time Christmas comes. Anyway, after wrapping most of it I opened the box to check the contents. Wait, where are the directions? Where are the other doors? Where are the other burners for the stove? I checked the back of the box and it said 1/2. I was missing a box. Are you kidding me? This happened to my sister-in-law on Christmas Eve and I knew better but waited anyway. I grabbed the computer and called Amazon. I found out it indeed came in 2 boxes and Fed-Ex didn't drop off the other one. They are sending a whole new replacement. I hope I get it in time and get both boxes. Just an FYI-If you order the Melissa & Doug kitchens they come in two boxes!!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:18 PM 2 comments
My first blogger award!!
Hannah nominated me for my first blogger award. I don't know if my blog is so fabulous but thanks for the award. She & her family were actually at pick-up the same time we were. We never met b/c of obsession #5. She actually only lives about 3 hours of me. Maybe some day we can meet half way with our families so our guat-tots can meet. FYI: I love the haircut comment but I hope you aren't devistated b/c I am growing it back. It was a bad idea.
Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers in a post. 2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post. 3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post. Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
1st obsession: Windex. I am addicted to windexing everything in my house I can. I know, what am I thinking with a toddler and 5 animals.
2nd obsession: Keeping things in their place. I know, again I have a toddler but I have OCD or something. I get it honestly from my mom. Everything has a place and needs to be in that place. My house is not spotless by any means but things are always in their place. All right most of the time!
3rd obsession: Reading your blogs. I know have a list of almost 50 blogs now that I check almost daily. I am not good at doing my blog and would rather read them than do my own.
4th obsession: Candy!!! Anything grape & sweet I love to eat and it is usually that candy I used to eat at 10 years old. Don't let let me walk by a candy store because I always buy too much. My old co-workers used to make fun of me all the time because of it. Let's just say during the adoption there was an endless supply in my office. The best are the Now a Later candy canes. They taste just like the candy and they stain your lips and tongue just like them too.
5th obsession: This is the hardest to admit. I tend to be obsessed with fitting in. I am very shy but love meeting new people. I tend to be quiet because I am not quite sure what to say to people. But once I warm up and get to know you then I can be a little crazy & silly. I have tried very hard to end this obsession but this is a hard thing to get over.
I am changing it up a little and adding 5 things Cameron is obsessed with.
1st obsession: Zippers! He has figured out how they work and loves to zip them up & down. When he wears his footy pjs I always find him asleep in his crib with them down to his ankles. I have to take a picture of it even though it drives me nuts.
2nd obsession: Dog food bowls. He has started an obsession with feeding them their food and then bringing you their bowls if they are empty. He won't stop until you fill them up.
3rd obsession: Dog poo! We have a yorkie puppy who is having potty training issues when it comes to #2. Cameron will check the great room all day for it. Then when he finds it he needs to keep walking around and checking on it. Then he growls (like his mom) and says "Sammy, no, no!".
4th obsession: His stuffed dog dogs. They go everywhere with us. We got his second one at Home Goods while I was Christmas shopping. Then we got home and I showed him his first one that he had before he came home.
5th obsession: Grapes! He will eat them all day, evey day if you let him. I try to limit his intake b/c the end result is just not pretty.
Okay it is hard to pick 5 blogs out of the 50+ I check every day but here goes:
1) Candy I came across her blog on and love reading it. She seems so fun (we have never met in person) and loves to have a good time. She got me hooked on crocs & the charms for them. I finally get to meet her in June at Reunion '09 & then see her again at MoGuate.
2) Jenna I just came across her blog b/c of I just found out our blog is on her list so she discovered me first. She just adopted her 2nd son via domestic adoption.
3) Jeck She is such an awesome person and always has the most sweetest things to say when you are feeling down! I really would love to meet her some day.
4) Ruthanne She has the cutest little boy who is only a month older than Cameron. I would love to meet them some day. Dan says they look a lot alike.
5) I love reading this blog and keeping up with their adoption of their 2nd child from Vietnam. They made it just by the cut off time.
Posted by Mindy at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Ready for Christmas!
I really, really love Christmas. My grandmother had me hooked. She was so into it and loved passing that on to me. Last year was very depressing and I almost vetoed Christmas. This year is so special b/c Cameron is home that I have to make up for last year. As soon as we got home from Florida the middle of November I told Dan I wanted the tree up. He thought I was crazy. He was taking too long to do so I decided to bring up the tubs of decorations. Needless to say my dumb butt pulled out my back but it was worth it. Cameron loved helping me put the decorations up. Since we only put the tree up last year I couldn't remember where anything went and had to make them unaccessable to a toddler. He now points to them every day and says "Pretty". He also knows who Santa is and says "Santa" all day. Here are some of our pretties.
Cameron picked this out all by himself.
Posted by Mindy at 8:56 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day
I am so thankful that Cameron is home to enjoy this Thanksgiving with us. Last year I was very depressed just knowing he wasn't going to be home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who works so hard so I can stay home with our precious son. I am so thankful for our friends and family (our pets too) who are so supportive and understanding. I am very thankful to his birthmother and God for letting Cameron be a part of our lives and me to be able to call him my son. I am also thankful for all the wonderful people I have met along the way on this great journey in life. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know we love you all!!! I am off to bed to get sleep before my cooking begins. And yes our Christmas tree is up along with all our other decorations. (And I won this year, we bought two blow-ups, a Tigger and Mickey) This is Cameron's first Christmas home and since I pretty much boycotting last year and had to make up for it! He loves the trees and always says Pretty!!
He is growing up way too fast!
Posted by Mindy at 12:57 AM 4 comments
Kids say the darnest things!
I keep meaning to post this story and I know most of you have heard it but I just have to tell you. We went to Disney a few weeks ago. Cameron's favorite character (or so I thought) was Pooh. Well, we found out he is in love with Mickey too. When we got in the line to meet him Cameron tried jumping the rope and was kicking and jumping with excitement. Anyway being a 21 month old he is still having problems with pronunciation. He tries so hard though. He can say the M in Momma, Minnie & Milk but Mickey not so much. He calls him Dickey. I have tried to work with him and have him watch my lips. He now says MmmDickey. Every night mommy puts his jammies on with his night time diapers. They have Mickey on the front. He has never paid attention to this until a few weeks ago. The other night I was getting him dressed for bed after his bath. He looks down points to his diaper and says "Dickey". I laughed so hard. If you don't know Mickey just happens to sit right in the very front of his diaper. It was the funniest thing ever and I am sure a story I will torture him with.
Posted by Mindy at 12:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
More Florida Pictures
Here are the last of our Florida pictures. We went to one of the country clubs for dinner. They have lobster and it is so good. Cameron was so good and loved going out to see all the old people. LOL!!! We also went to dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant at the Villages where they live. After we went to one of the town squares and Cameron enjoyed dancing with Mamaw & Papaw. He kept trying to go up on stage. He loved watching them all dance. I am so glad he got this to spend this whole week with his grandparents.
Posted by Mindy at 11:45 PM 2 comments
FFF..For Crying Out Loud
This is from our pick-up trip. My poor baby was so upset. See he did survive!
This was before I changed his clothes.
Like most people if Cameron is crying I usually delete them. Lately he doesn't even let me take them if he is made. Here are a few I posted awhile ago. He was mad because I changed his clothes. I got his Christmas outfit awhile ago and was taking pictures to enter in the Baby Gap contest. I then changed his clothes to try on his other Christmas vest & he wasn't having it. He wanted that tie & vest on so bad. I know he looks so pathetic but trust me he survived. He is VERY, VERY good at the fake cry. Sometimes too good!!! (I don't know why this is underlined & the pictures didn't load in order.)
Posted by Mindy at 11:11 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Disney Day 2
I really wanted to go to Universal Studios new park. They have a Dr. Seuss land that I was excited to see. We were going to go to Animal Kingdom instead but there weren't many rides for Cameron. We then decided on Hollywood Studios because they had Playhouse Disney. It probably wasn't the best choice but we were there so we just enjoyed it. Cameron loved the stunt car show. He kept saying "More, more." He has never done that. He clapped and cheered the whole time. We actually saw Angel's daughters Zoe & Caitlyn but couldn't find Angel anywhere. I really wanted to meet her since I stalk her blog all the time. He was a little crabby at the park but that is to be expected since it was actually kinda warm. Every ride he kept saying "Choo Choo." We stayed for the Fantasmic show and I loved it. Sorry some of the pictures are dark. I am still learning how to take pictures at night. There were lots of people in one spot though and that really makes me nervous. All in all we had so much fun and watching him enjoying it was awesome. I cried so much watching him. Two days was very tiring though. I don't know how people stay for a whole week.
Posted by Mindy at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Disney Day One
We left about 9:30 on Wednesday morning to head to the Magic Kingdom. Dan wanted to go later but I wanted to spend every minute we could there. Cameron was so excited and so was mommy!!! I couldn't wait to see that "Awe" look in his eyes. We got on the tram and the first thing out of his mouth was "Choo choo!" He has never said that ever. Then we rode the monorail over and he said the same thing. We should have just saved our money and rode the monorail all day. The look on his face when we firsted stepped in was priceless. He actually started smiling in his pictures when we were there. He has a tendency to say "Cheese" but not smile. The first ride we went on was It's a small world. Dan & I realized we have never seen that part of Magic Kingdom last time we went. He loved every ride we went on. Right before the parade he passed out. I was a little disappointed but I couldn't wake him. After we took him down to Toon Town. Candy recommended going there and he loved it. He saw the Pooh ride and went crazy. He loved riding that ride. He got a big stuffed Pooh. Dan wanted to get him the biggest one but I knew we would have to carry it around all day. He tried to walk out with two. I have a video I will post later of him saying Pooh. He says it so cute!!! We took him to Mickey's tent to meet Mickey & Minnie. While we were in line he figured out who it was and tried to jump the rope. He started jumping up & down like crazy. He kissed Minnie on the nose and then kissed Mickey on the nose twice. Dan heard them whisper how cute Cameron was. He loved seeing them up close. We tried to see Pooh & Tigger but they were taking forever with each kid. We would have wasted so much waiting and frankly as expensive as the tickets were we weren't going to do that. He rode all the other rides that we could. Right when we were walking to the front Dan said let's ride Haunted Mansion. I really thought he would be scared but they redesigned the ride so we had to. He laughed the whole time. It was so funny!! We were going to stay for the fireworks but Mommy was hungry, nothing was open and I had a big headache. We got McDonalds and checked in. We all ate and mommy & daddy were pooped. Cameron was still going. He got his own bed & I was really nervous about him sleeping in it. He fell asleep at midnight. I kept waking up and checking on him. At 2:30 I thought he woke up because he was wrestling around in the bed. I was pretending to be asleep in case he was waking up. All of a sudden I heard "POOOHHH" "POOOHHH". I looked up and he was sound asleep. He was dreaming about Pooh. How cute is that! Stay tuned for Day 2!
Posted by Mindy at 11:34 PM 2 comments
Finally posting about Florida!
Sorry but I am just now finally posting about our first week long vacation to Florida. I have been a little lazy since we came home. Trick-or-treat was on Friday. Of course, me, the procastonator waiting until the that week to pack and get things ready. Why is it that the wives have to pack for everyone? No, I didn't pack Dan's stuff but I still had to get Cameron & me packed. Then make sure we had snacks & drinks for the ride down along with stopping mail & the paper. Of course anal me always has to clean the house before we leave for vacation. I love coming home to a clean house & not having to worry about anything but resting. Anyway Dan had the bars put on our new car so we could put up the roof rack and of course the dumb dumbs stripped the tool & screws so Dan couldn't move the rack. He tried & tried for hours. He was supposed to get a nap after work but of course he didn't. My mom came over, we put on his monkey costume and off we went. We went next door to drop off our candy and he started balling. We were sure he wasn't going to like it. We kept going and he got the hang of it. The quicker we went the better. And if we stopped to talk to any of our friends he was already trying to go to the next house. He couldn't say trick-or-treat but he said "Thank you" every time. He lasted most of the 2 hours. Dan tried messing with the roof rack again but he just tied down the back end. Of course we left an hour and a half later. Cameron hardly slept most the ride. He didn't even fall asleep until midnight. And then slept off and on the 15 hour ride. We were so exhausted from the drive. Note to self no more driving at night. We had fun hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa. Unfortunately Cameron acted out a lot on the whole trip. He was being so bad. I know a lot was just being in a new house (He doesn't do that in hotel rooms.) and having too many people trying to discipline him. He really gets his feelings hurt when he is told No. He loved riding in Grandpa's golf cart. He wanted to be out the whole trip. One night we took him to a Mexican restaurant. It is my favorite and I have to go there every time. He was in awe watching everyone that worked there. He loves seeing other latinos and listening to them speak spanish. Unfortunately the bad part was having to pack for our night in Disney. Wait till you hear how Disney was!!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Who doesn't love a good crying laugh!!
I was watching SNL last night. I usually just barely have it on because most of the time it just isn't that funny. I love when Justin Timberlake is on because he is just so hilarious. You HAVE to watch this clip from last night. I woke Dan up laughing so hard. I was crying from laughing so hard. It is hilarious.
Posted by Mindy at 12:07 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Some Disney pics to hold you over!!!
I am just now feeling normal after getting home from our trip. I will post about our trip later. Here are some pics to hold you over!!
Posted by Mindy at 12:00 PM 3 comments