Thursday, February 28, 2008
Holy cow! We have him.
We got here yesterday at the hotel about 1:00 p.m. What a crazy morning! I only got 2.5 hours of sleep. We got to the airport & our flight was delayed 45 minutes. They were afraid we wouldn't make the connection. There was one after but we would have been late getting Cam. We made it with 5 minutes to spare. And of course no food except snacks all day. We got Cameron at 2:15. They weren't supposed to be here until 3:00. I balled when I saw him. Our foster mother brought one of her children with her. He gave Cam to Dan as soon as he saw us. The screaming began. Our foster mother was so cute. She was probably only about 4'10". She hugged me & then we went to the baby lounge. He screamed the whole time. Dan taped everything. Our foster mother, Lucia, made us picture cards with pictures from his birthday. They were blurry but she was so sweet to do that for us. She wrote us a letter. Cameron screamed the whole time & looking back now we should have gradually transitioned him from them to us. I was so emotional that I wasn't thinking straight. There are some things I want to say to her still & we didn't get any pictures with them, just video. He screamed the whole rest of the time. I had to hold him the whole time & couldn't even sit with him. We ordered food & 3 hours later I ate cold french fries & my sandwich. Welcome to mommy hood! He finally went to sleep at 7:00 b/c he was so tired. He slept for 12 hours. I woke him up so who knows how long he would have slept. By the way he had to sleep with us. Our foster mother let him sleep with them in their bed. I am hoping the transition to crib when we get home will be easy. Pray for us. He was really good today. He is very lovey with me. Has to have 3-4 things in his hands at all times. We brought him a dog & he won't put it down except to sleep. He has to have all the time. We actually went to lunch & went & sat by the pool. He has had diarrhea all day but before we went to bed it seems to subsided. I hope! He eats like a horse. I brought tons of food with us but we may be out before we leave. We can have some things ordered if need be. And he isn't afraid to eat anything. He is afraid of Dan however. We are slowly getting that down. Dan can now be in the room but Cameron will not let him hold him. Since we all know I am miss skinny I have no muscle to carry around a 19 lb. baby. I am doing it though for him. Hopefully one of us can carry him in the carrier on the way home. We have our embassy (pink) appt. very early tomorrow to get his Visa. If he is sick again we will go to the doctor after that. Everyone at the Marriott is so sweet. They all love him. He loves the young ladies. The 18-25 year old ones. He also loves to study things. He takes it all in. He is very, very smart. I will post some pictures & then it is off to bed. I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. I love all of you so very much! Your love & support does more than I can explain in words.
Posted by Mindy at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Cameron here we come!!
We are off tomorrow to get our son. Finally! We are going to try to update this blog if we get a chance. I just want to spend all our free time playing & looking at my baby boy. Love to all of you! We will update with pictures as soon as we can.
Posted by Mindy at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
4 more days!
We leave in 4 days for Guatemala! We have been running around trying to baby proof, finish Cam's room, getting paperwork ready, packing & cleaning the house. I am so excited but nervous. Those first time mommy jitters. I know once I am with him I will be fine. I know from others on my adoption board that b/c the children are older the first day or two is going to be hard. They grieve being away from their foster family. They are all he has known for 9 months. (This is his 2nd foster home.) I am feeling sad for them but so happy for us. I keep waiting for someone to call me & tell me they are just kidding. Saying that we can't bring Cameron home. Adoption is so much harder than I would have ever expected. The ups & downs are crazy. It is all worth it though. So far it looks like all but one day it is going to rain there. We are a little disappointed b/c we wanted to hang out by the pool but as long as we are with Cam I will be fine. Once we get settled we will call you all to visit, one by one. We really appreciate that everyone wants to visit but we have to think of Cameron first. Everything will be new to him & he will be so scared. We need to let him know that we are his mom & dad and will make sure he is taken care of. We need to form an attachment with our son. We love you all!!!
Posted by Mindy at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Today is Cameron's 1st birthday. I am really sad we aren't there but knowing we will be there in 12 days is helping a bit. We are going to get a cake today & still celebrate. I took pictures of the gifts we bought him for his 1st birthday. When he is settled & ready we are going to have a Coming Home/1st Birthday party for him. Hopefully in June. He is excited to meet his big family & all our friends who have supported his mommy & daddy. His new Tonka truck Daddy wanted!
DVDs & Leap Pad book for the trip home.
Who do you think picked this outfit? Watch out Grandpa F. Cameron is ready to start driving the golf cart.
Bigger picture of his sweater vest.
This is his outfit we bought for the embassy (pink) appt. He is going to look so good in it.
Posted by Mindy at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I can't believe it!! We got our appt. date today via e-mail. I have been checking my forum (the Guatemalan adoption chat) & have been keeping up on the dates. I knew who the e-mail was coming from. I have become an e-mail junky checking it every 5 minutes. Today I decided to go downstairs & finishing cleaning & organizing the basement. (Just trying to stay busy!) I came upstairs to check my e-mail. It said I had 4 new messages but lately they have all been junk mail. I opened it up & there is was. The e-mail from the U.S. Embassy. Our appt. is February 29th @ 7:15 am. I told Dan when we started this that we would be leaving at the end of the month b/c that is when he is always the busiest. I told him last Friday I knew we would have our appt. in 3 weeks. What do you know I was right. We leave the 27th so we can spend a few days with our son before the lovely embassy appt. We don't get his VISA until the next business day which is Monday @ 3:30 so we have to wait to leave on the 4th. We get into Dayton airport @ 4:25 pm. I can't wait to finally be home with him. I do however promise to refrain from spoiling my son at least until he gets home. I am off to take some pictures. I want you all to see what his embassy appt. outfit looks like & what we got for his birthday. He will be 1 on Friday, the 15th so Mom & Dad will only be a few days late for the 1st one. I love all of you! Thanks for the love, support & prayers. It means to much to us!!!!
Posted by Mindy at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday Update
We got our update yesterday. The 2nd DNA test was done. We went out today & got his car seat & diaper pail. His 1st birthday is on the 15th. We went & got him some Baby Einstein DVDs, a book for his Leap Pad (thanks to his Aunt Mindy who got him one for my baby shower), a 1st Birthday shirt for his party once we come home & a new outfit Dan had to have. It has golf on it, of course. I am so grateful to my husband for taking care of our family. I am no longer working & have never been unemployed, ever. It will take some time to adjust & it is making this time go a little slower. I am waiting for Cameron to come home. I stay up late at night just day dreaming about seeing him smile for the first time. Hearing that laugh for the first time. Getting to feed him for the first time. Watching him wrestle with Daddy for the first time. Seeing his first encounter with our herd of 5 animals (yes we got a new kitten Thanksgiving for those who don't know). We bought him a bib tonight that says "My mom rocks". I can't wait to see him in it. We also got our foster family their gifts today. They have 4 kids of their own from 20-12. Little kids are pretty easy to buy for but I think we did pretty good with their gifts. Cam, Mommy & Daddy are coming real soon!!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:55 PM 0 comments