Thursday, October 30, 2008
Looking Back
On the 4th Cameron will be home 8 months. I really can't believe it has been that long. I was looking at some video we took on our pick-up trip and when we got home. The first one is from our pick-up trip in Guatemala. This was the first time he gave me a kiss. Most of you know my son is VERY affectionate. He will love on almost anyone he meets.
The second video is his first time walking. He only gave me two days after coming home before walking. I wish I wouldn't have missed those few months of seeing him crawl. All well. I love him bunches anyway!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Mamaw & Papaw!
Dan's mom wanted a special name for Cameron to call her. All the other grandkids just call them grandma & grandpa. We decided to see what Cameron comes up with. It is now officially Mamaw & Papaw. He says it all the time now with all the other names he says. Dada, mama, bubba, nanna, mamaw, papaw, sammy, boo boo, loo loo, riri, kitty, pooh, tigger, elmo and mickey. I hear them all day every day but it is so cute. Here is a short video with him saying it. It was also his first time with ketchup!! Yeah! LOL!!!
Posted by Mindy at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy 31st Birthday!
Here is the e-mail I got this morning from my son: (I cried for a minute)
Happy B-Day Mommy!
Daddy and I want to take you to the Montgomery Inn tonight after we check out my Christmas gift options. I’m going to be very good today for you.
Posted by Mindy at 10:34 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cameron fix!
He was throwing a fit b/c I took off his vest & tie.
Posted by Mindy at 12:33 PM 1 comments
This was just too easy!
Monday I was so excited about getting Elmo that I didn't sleep well. My phone decided to beep at 5:00 am b/c it was dying. Great now the alarm won't go off. I got up and set the alarm clock, fell back asleep and my phone alarm did go off at 5:45 am. I got ready and woke Cameron up at 7:30 am. He was smiling & so happy. He is always too awake for me. We pulled into Target's parking lot at 8:00 am. Are you serious?! Maybe they really don't open until 9:00 am. There were hardly any cars in the parking lot. This can't be this easy. We walked in and went straight to the toys. We saw a much older couple with 2 of them. Okay they are here! Please have some left. I kept telling Cameron to cross his fingers and say "Yeah Elmo!" We went around the corner and there was one left. There was someone in front of us heading straight for it. Oh no! Why else would someone be in Target at 8:00 am. I watched slowly in anticipation. He walked right by. Yeah it's mine. We picked up that last Elmo and screamed with joy. We walked around a few minutes and walked by the display again. There was two more. Should I grab them to sell on Ebay or Craigslist. I just couldn't. Then there was another older couple picking one up for the grandchild. The man said "I don't think that is it." I looked at him & said "Yes, that's it." I called Dan and told him we got it. He asked me to grab another to sell on Ebay but I just couldn't. I can't stand people who do that when there are limited supplies. We drove around a bit and ate breakfast. I decided to stop at Wal-mart b/c Dan's comment was eating at me. I went in and there were a lot of them. They were even on the tops of the toy shelves. So of course I had to grab one more. No one else was there for them at all. So I guess it is going up on Ebay. I think I might wait awhile b/c I just checked & there are lots of them. Some people are selling them for $500 a piece. I will not be that bad but making a little money to help out with Christmas money won't hurt. Melmo in the flesh!!
Posted by Mindy at 12:07 PM 2 comments
This is for all the Guat tots and their moms!!
I have to admit I am not that into Crocs. Especially on me. But then I ran across Candy's blog at and saw how cute they looked on Kya Blu. On little feet they are adorable and Cameron loves them. Dan not so much since they are kinda pricey. I finally found some at Meijer that can hold the Jibbitz (the little charms for all who don't know). Well, I went on looking for Disney ones for our trip and came across the best ones I have ever seen. They are going in his Christmas stocking.
Aren't the Guatemala flag ones just awesome!!!
Ready for Disney!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Am I the only crazy mom?!
I am getting up at the butt crack of dawn. (I am not a morning person at all.) I will be one of those freaks who is at the door of Target when they open at 8:00 a.m. to get the Elmo Live. I looked and looked and never reserved one in time. I tried to from Fisher Price but they are on back order now and it may not make it here by Christmas. I have to have it for Cameron's 1st Christmas home. Wish me luck!!!
Posted by Mindy at 11:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
What do I do?
I am such an idiot. I bought Disney on Ice tickets for next weekend. I was so excited and decided this is what I wanted to do for my birthday. I checked every show and found the Saturday night show to be the one with the best seats. Well, guess what? Dumb, dumb me forgot we have a wedding to go to on Saturday night. Do you think I can just switch shows? Is that even allowed? I want to go so badly to this show. Just seeing Cameron's smile will make me the happiest mom ever!!!
FYI: At the bottom of the blog there is a slide show. This is Cameron's outfit I got for his Christmas pictures. The shoes & vest I got at Crazy 8 and the tie came from Children's Place. There is a hat that matches the vest but they didn't have his size so I have to order it off the internet. He will be wearing a white button down shirt instead of the t-shirt. He is just like his parents and loves clothes. He whistled (Cameron style) when he saw himself in the mirror. We had to do a photo shoot today b/c I entered him into a modeling contest. Stay tuned to see if Cameron becomes a finalist.
Posted by Mindy at 1:06 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Daddy's back!
Last Thursday Dan went on his annual golf trip to Cumberland. He didn't get back until Sunday night. Let's just say both Cameron & I were wore out. His sleep schedule was a little out of whack b/c Dan was gone. He is a daddy's boy most of the time. We ran around and did anything I could think of to keep him busy. I got all excited Friday night & decided we would drive to Columbus and go to COSI. I love COSI and now can go with my baby boy. I got up early got ready. Got Cameron ready. He was fighting me about everything. I guess he wanted to be the dirty boy with no face washing or teeth brushing. By the time we got out of here, went to Starbuck's (I NEEDED my pick me up), got money and got gas it was 12:30. He was whiny in the car and I didn't know if I could handle an hour and a half drive by myself. If he did fall asleep would he be whiny at COSI? So I got off the highway and decided to just go to a farm and do the pumpkin patch thing. I knew there were two on OH 48 but what was the address? I drove one way turned around and drove the other way. After an hour and getting lost I decided forget it we are going to Toys R Us. We finally made it to Toys R Us and got Cameron the Fisher Price Ride in Coupe and looked at ideas for Christmas. We went & got his outfit for Christmas pictures. I know really early but Dan & I decided this was the outfit and I didn't want it to be gone. I only got part of it at Crazy 8 b/c they had sold out of some things already. Look for pictures soon. Let's just say Sunday night all 3 of us crashed. We both missed him very much!
Posted by Mindy at 12:40 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What's next?? A get real post!!
These last few weeks my brain has been running 500 mph. I tend to over analyze everything. I want to do this. Well, if I do this what will the outcome be? Is it the right choice for me or my family? Is it the right time right now? I tend to think when I want to do something I have to do it right this minute. I can't wait a few days or weeks. If I see something I want or want for Cameron I have to get it now. What if it sells out then what? Like my life will come to a stop if I don't get that one item. Example: I have been hunting everywhere for winter hats & golves for Cameron. We have none for him & if it gets cold here what am I going to do. Like something will seriously happen if this one time I take my time to find them. Really Mindy. I have really been researching our next step towards child #2. I know Cameron has only been home 7 months tomorrow. But I really want our children to only be 3-3.5 years apart. And the time some countries are taking these days we need to get moving. I want a girl so bad. Every day I have to walk right by the girls clothes or I will buy everything. We really would love to go back to Guatemala for #2 but they are closed right now & who knows when or if they will re-open. When they do I know like us other people are looking into it and there will be a line from here to Guatemala of people waiting for to adopt. I really wanted to do China in the beginning but they are taking up to 4 years now for a referrral. We looked into Korea and were very excited about it but there is only one agency in Ohio that can handle Korean adoptions. (Korea requires the agency you use be located in your state of residence.) We thought about the waiting children for Korea or China. Then I fell in love with Ethiopia and the fact that there is a large chance of getting a child under 6 months. And there is the choice of do we go ahead and try for one of our own again. We only did mild fertility treatments before but seeing the time & money go down the drain after trying for 2 years on our own was just too much stress. And me on hormones--WATCH OUT!!! I really feel like there is something medically wrong with me but no one will listen. Is everything the same every month they ask? Yes, I say but it just isn't normal. Either way I have to figure out what is wrong with me. How does someone produce 5-6 eggs on just Clomid and still can't get pregant with an IUI. Come on. They wouldn't let me do the shots because the results I got from the pills people usually have from the shots. I really want just one of our own and then adopt any others from there on but it is really what path does God have for me. What is next for me? And why do I bother letting it eat me up inside? Why can't I just live my life and see what happens? Because I am me and this is how God made me. Now just show me the way so I know what to do. Please!!!
Posted by Mindy at 12:08 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Celine Dion concert pictures--Finally
Posted by Mindy at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Favorite Foto Friday-Summer Memories
Posted by Mindy at 11:01 PM 0 comments