Monday I was so excited about getting Elmo that I didn't sleep well. My phone decided to beep at 5:00 am b/c it was dying. Great now the alarm won't go off. I got up and set the alarm clock, fell back asleep and my phone alarm did go off at 5:45 am. I got ready and woke Cameron up at 7:30 am. He was smiling & so happy. He is always too awake for me. We pulled into Target's parking lot at 8:00 am. Are you serious?! Maybe they really don't open until 9:00 am. There were hardly any cars in the parking lot. This can't be this easy. We walked in and went straight to the toys. We saw a much older couple with 2 of them. Okay they are here! Please have some left. I kept telling Cameron to cross his fingers and say "Yeah Elmo!" We went around the corner and there was one left. There was someone in front of us heading straight for it. Oh no! Why else would someone be in Target at 8:00 am. I watched slowly in anticipation. He walked right by. Yeah it's mine. We picked up that last Elmo and screamed with joy. We walked around a few minutes and walked by the display again. There was two more. Should I grab them to sell on Ebay or Craigslist. I just couldn't. Then there was another older couple picking one up for the grandchild. The man said "I don't think that is it." I looked at him & said "Yes, that's it." I called Dan and told him we got it. He asked me to grab another to sell on Ebay but I just couldn't. I can't stand people who do that when there are limited supplies. We drove around a bit and ate breakfast. I decided to stop at Wal-mart b/c Dan's comment was eating at me. I went in and there were a lot of them. They were even on the tops of the toy shelves. So of course I had to grab one more. No one else was there for them at all. So I guess it is going up on Ebay. I think I might wait awhile b/c I just checked & there are lots of them. Some people are selling them for $500 a piece. I will not be that bad but making a little money to help out with Christmas money won't hurt. Melmo in the flesh!!
Cool Christmas Gift...
11 years ago
Yea! What a cool mom to go to Target so early and get one. I might have to drop by Wal-Mart and see if there are any left.
I love the Guat flag for the croc's!!
Can't wait to see the Christmas pictures. I am making Dmitry wear a vest I think too.
Did you see the free Christmas card post on my blog?? She looks like she does really great work.
See Ya.
OUr wal-MArt has a TON of them left!! N obig deal here so if you need another one let me know and I'll pick one p for you!!
On a side note I have the original Tickle Me Elmo that came out over 11 years ago still in the box!! Think I could sell him and make a few bucks? My son was always scared of him so he sat in a box wrapped in a bag and doesn't have a spot of dust on him!!
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