Sorry for not posting in a very long while but the last month has been comsumed with alot of thinking. We are decided to add to our family and were all geared up to go with China in August when we are married for 5 years. Well, I came across South Korea and it was so much easier & quicker we on decided to start that as well. There are only so many agencies that do South Korea (you have to work with one located in your state of residence) unless you do special needs. We found an agency but they limited who we could use for a homestudy. Needless to say we aren't feeling comfortable with either one. After applying I haven't heard much of anything except where is your paperwork or where is your homestudy. While deciding what to do I spoke with
Natalie who helped me sort out alot of questions I had about domestic adoption. Thanks so much for all your help Natalie. Well, all of you that know me know I go with my gut but tend to question my decisions sometimes. Going international just didn't feel right to me and domestic was in that gut of mine. Well, we have officially decided to go domestic. Thanks to Natalie I have a good group of agencies to submit our paperwork to. I am over the moon but so nervous. I did live with my best friend Mindy when my nephew (hey, we have been friends for over 20 years now) was born but I have never had a newborn before. Cameron was one when he came home so there are lots of stuff we still have to get. And we can't forget the cute baby clothes. Oh, Dan is in TROUBLE!
We just back from vacation and will post about our trip. It was the first relaxing trip in a long time!