Sunday, May 10, 2009

Being A Mom!

I dreamed of being a mom ever since I was a little girl. I raised my brother while my mom worked to support us. I had many daydreams of holding my first born and loving her unconditionally. While all my friends were worried which college they were going to attend I was worried about when I was gonna be a mommy. After Dan & I got married we started trying right away. After a few years of no success we tried mild fertility treatments with no success. We had the application for adoption while doing the fertility treatments but I wanted to at least try one last thing before going on that road. We finally sent in the application & while doing the dossier received the referral for a little boy who was 12 days old. Exactly one year later we were in Guatemala holding him for the very first time as he balled his eyes out. I thank God every day for leading me down that road. I thank God that Cameron's birthmother had a big enough heart to let me be his mother. It is the greatest gift one woman can give to another. Cameron will always know her and know what a great sacrifice she made to make me a mom. Even though I have only seen her in pictures she holds a big piece of my heart. He is every bit like us. Very stubborn and hard headed. Very impatient. It drives me crazy but he is just like me. Very into his clothes & primping like his daddy. Very caring like his daddy. I have been given the greatest gift ever. It is a very hard & tiring job but it is worth it every day to see him grow up and become an independent & caring child. He knows when you need that hug & rub on the back to make the day go better. It is the biggest job I will ever have & it is the best job I will ever have. Being a mom just feels right!


Hannah said...

Isn't it amazing how you go down this crazy road and half way around the world and end up holding the most perfect child that was everything you never even knew you wanted? God is good :)

I hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!


Heidi said...

That is such a sweet post! Amazing how our kids don't have our DNA but they act like us in so many ways. He is such a cutie, you must be very proud!